Archive for July 24th, 2009

The driveby.

July 24, 2009

It’s the Sunday before my interviews and The Blonde is coming to dinner. I’ve stayed schtum about the BMW interview to most people, some weird superstition that if I tell everyone then it won’t happen. I’ve told The Blonde though.

I’ve got a strange urge to visit the showroom prior to the interview. I know where it is but I tell myself that I need to see the place beforehand, scout it out, learn the lie of the land. I’ve got a family event on the Sunday but there’s an hour or two spare afterwards. I text The Blonde and see if she’s up for a run over to the showroom before dinner. She’s game.

I collect her in the Polite Hatchback and we spear off up the motorway toward the nearby city where this particular BMW dealership is located. Swinging through the industrial estate I spy the plate glass palace awash with shiny new metal.

We park, disembark, and stroll through the forecourt my eyes lighting up at the proliferation of sleek executive expresses laid out about us, over to the showroom where we press our noses to the window. Inside is a delicious new convertible with the roof down, looking so good I want to lick it. The Blonde asks what it is and I explain that it’s the new Z4. She asks how I know and I joke that I know everything about cars. She points to the legend “the new Z4” emblazoned in large letters upon the rear numberplate. She’s not daft.

We complete our lap of the showroom and head back to my car. Just as we’re leaving I spot it, a mid grey metallic 3 Series coupe, big alloys, black leather and a sunroof. My car. It turns out to be an M3, perhaps that’s a tad ambitious!

Heading home we chat about the job, it has my name written all over it, I can feel it.

The evening passes in a blur of fine dining (pork chops, the house speciality) and good conversation, and The Blonde is whisked home at a timely hour. I return to peruse the automotive pronography that is, all in the name of research I tell myself.

I sleep well Sunday night, I’ve a good feeling about this job, and an even better feeling about The Blonde…